Nothing But The Truth

First of all this words are not dedicated or has any intention to talk about you. I’m writing this, cause sometimes I feel that I’m also being one of them too. I won’t admit it, we’re all human and we make a mistake. We’re not perfect. But we have the ability to think which one is better and which one is not. Believe it or not, the whole main idea about vanity, fancy this  fancy that, those things are exists around us, everywhere we go, and especially what we’re seeing in the media. Maybe you won’t admit it or pretend like there’s nothing happen. That’s fine, that’s alright. This is just a reflection. Take it or leave it. And guess what? we’re all the same human, and at the end we all go back to our creator. We won’t bring any money, and either vanity or status quo up there.

If you’re still curious or don’t understand what I’m trying to describe here, I hope one picture will explain everything.

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